6 Types of Pre-Employment Aptitude Tests

  An aptitude test refers to an exam used to determine an individual’s skills or readiness to succeed in a given activity. Aptitude tests are generally used for college program entry and job placement, and to help people get an idea of where their aptitudes and interests can take them regarding careers. An aptitude test […]

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8 Types of Pre-Employment Tests

8 Types of Pre-Employment Tests Anyone who has gone for interviews knows that they are not easy. Many job applicants wonder why they have to sit for a pre-employment test when their resume already shows they are qualified. However, the traditional methods of scanning resumes and face-to-face interviews offer limited insights into a candidate’s potential […]

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8 Different types of Accountants

Many students/people are interested in an accountancy career but do not know the different types of accountant roles to consider. As accountancy spans various sectors, it is important to be aware of the various accounting fields, and the different types of accountants and their duties. Each type of Accountant provides services to meet the needs […]

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6 tips to achieve optimal College,Work and life balance

6 tips to achieve optimal College, Work, and life balance Today, many individuals are working to fund their studies, either full-time or part-time. While for many people it is impossible to study and work at the same time, others have no option, as they need income to pay for their tuition and other basic needs. […]

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6 best benefits of online revision quizzes

6 best benefits of online revision quizzes While every student wants to pass their exams, revising for exams can sometimes be a challenge for most students. Since every student has a different learning style & pace, it is important to have a unique revision platform that offers learners good content for exam preparation. The rise […]

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How to revise for exams in 1 day

Best strategies to revise for exams in 1 day Most successful people say that to succeed in life, you have to plan and never forget that you are a pilgrim. Though you may have a foolproof plan, unexpected events happen and you are forced to change, abandon, or postpone your plans. To succeed, you need to […]

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7 best strategies for exam revision

  7 best strategies for exam revision When exams are just around the corner, most candidates are under a lot of pressure and stress, wondering if they are ready to sit for the examinations.While it is important to read through the notes made in class, it is more important to know how to answer the […]

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A List of 14 Corporate Donors in Kenya

Corporate Donors in Kenya In recent years, many companies have become corporate donors by embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR), a concept through which companies integrate environmental conservation and social concerns in their business operations. When conducted in good faith, CSR benefits a corporation and its stakeholders. Through CSR, a corporation is able to demonstrate the […]

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7 Best Benefits of Core Funding

7 Best Benefits of Core Funding Non-profit organizations encounter many difficulties trying to secure core funding. It is not uncommon to find an NGO with a good reputation, required skills, and networks unable to implement a project due to a lack of core funding. What is core funding? Core Funding refers to financial resources needed […]

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10 Easy Examples of Time Value of Money

The Concept of the Time Value of Money (TVM) The concept of time value money (TVM) asserts that the value of money (or a dollar) today is worth more than the value of a dollar in the future. Under normal inflation conditions, money today is worth more than the same amount in the future. Inflation […]

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5 reasons why you need to hire the best grant writer

5 reasons why you need to hire the best grant writer There are many reasons why you need to hire a great grant writer. Winning a grant is an uphill task. With so much competition for few grants, hiring an experienced writer to assist you apply for and winning grants makes sense. It does not […]

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3 types of concept notes

  Concept notes provide a basic summary of the proposal that contains a brief description of the project and the objectives being pursued. Some funding organizations seek short concept notes from NGOs before the submission of a full proposal. This helps them decide whether the proposed project is in line with their program priorities before […]

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6 Reasons why Ethics is important in Business and Accounting

Ethics in Business and Accounting Business ethics refers to moral rules that govern how businesses operate, how people (i.e. customers, shareholders & clients) are treated, and how business decisions are made. It covers topics such as corporate governance, bribery, insider trading, discrimination, fiduciary and corporate responsibility. Either law guides business ethics or basic guidelines that […]

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How to Get a Great Referral Cover Letter

How to Get a Great Referral Cover Letter A referral cover letter is used when you want to share a mutual contact you have with the hiring manager. The contact can be a friend, employee, or networking acquaintance at the company where you are applying for a job. Writing a great referral letter will give […]

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6 reasons why bookkeeping is important to your business

6 reasons why bookkeeping is important to your business The Business Dictionary defines Bookkeeping as keeping a detailed record of the business transactions for a person or business. Businesses get information for making important financial decisions from bookkeeping, so it is very important to keep accurate books of accounts. Accounting methods There are two basic […]

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8 Important documents that need a cover letter

Cover letter A cover letter is a letter of introduction attached to or accompanying another document such as a resume or a business proposal. Below are 8 documents that need a cover letter: Job applications. Referrals. Prospecting /Letters of Interest. Networking. Emails. Businesses. College applications. Grant applications Job application cover letter This is specific to […]

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